TAMS Analyzer
Posted: June 11th, 2010 | Author: Tabitha Hart | Filed under: research tools, TAMS | Comments Off on TAMS AnalyzerTo analyze the data for my project on online intercultural communication I have decided to use TAMS Analyzer. TAMS is an open source data analysis tool written for Mac OSX, and it’s free. Yes, free. From what I have learned so far it supports complex qualitative coding. You can also use it to generate different types of reports, such as counts and, of course, lists of sorted codes/coded passages. The documentation was helpful up to a point, and now I’m simply learning by doing. I’ll attach a short summary of my notes here, which might be useful to those just picking TAMS up. The page numbers refer to the “TAMS Analyzer User Guide,” a pdf document which comes bundled with the software itself. The entire package can be downloaded here.
Using TAMS
- Material has to be rtf. Recreate the docs as rtf files and import into TAMS
- You need to manually save these windows all the time.
- init file: create this to tell the program how to code contextual data (p. 35, 95)
- Have context codes here for “role” (student, trainer, staff)
- Have file types (fieldnotes, interaction, interview, forum etc.)
- Have “person” or “name” as contextual data
- Have “topic” variable
- You can also do “if” coding, like if person = Bob then role = trainer
- Each “document” that you import will have a name – be consistent with your naming scheme (best to match it with original documents in your archive)
- Use “universal codes” (metatags) to note, for example, what type of document it is (interview, fieldnotes, etc.) (p. 19)
- universal codes are generated for every results window record and hold their value through the whole document.
- At the top of the document, put {!universal datatype=”Interview”}
- This will produce one column in your output called “dataType” and for records from this document it with fill it with “Interview”.
- i. Note that the “horizon” (or scope) of universals is the end of file (eof)
- “context codes” mark distinctive attributes for a section of a document (marked by {!end} or {!endsection}). Typical repeat codes include speaker, time, question – all of which you would want to be attached to a passage of text you have coded. (See also variable tags, p.35)
- To make these (for example, to denote speaker) create the “heads up” tag like {!context speaker}at the top of the file. You’ll then insert the context tags in the file where applicable, like {speaker}John{/speaker}: {food>parsley}I hate parsley.{/food>parsley}{!end}
- Where you have more than one speaker it’s a good idea to make the document structured, i.e. to put in “sections” pertaining to the context codes. To do this:
- put the metatag {!struct} in your init file or on top of each interview if you don’t have an init file. Now you can show switches in speakers, roles, etc.
- have a context code in the file like the one above.
- At the end of the section (i.e. the end of the speaker’s turn) put in {!endsection}. With this command, context values get carried forward, but the system knows that particular section has ended. (There’s another command to wipe clear the context values, if you want.)
- TIPS: (1) be careful to mark all the speakers, or you will think the wrong people are saying the things you are finding. (2) put in an {!endsection} whenever the value of speaker changes, or you will be misled as to who is speaking.
- Where you have more than one speaker it’s a good idea to make the document structured, i.e. to put in “sections” pertaining to the context codes. To do this:
- Data codes are marked with {code}interesting passage{/code}.
- Code names consist of numbers, spaces and underscore characters. No spaces permitted.
- Passages of text can have multiple codes; codes can be nested and can overlap.
- As you create codes you’ll use the “definition” button to define them.
- Coding Level 2 – there’s a “reanalysis” phase in which you re-configure codes that you’re working with. You have to set the software to “reanalysis mode” to preserve original information. You can then refine your codes.
- You can export reports from this level, too
- The > symbol shows subtype
- {sound>pig}oink, oink{/sound>pig} means that “oink, oink” is an example of sound subtype pig.
- i. You can have multiple levels of subtype
- Coding Level 3– you can identify code families (minus the “no spaces” restriction – you can use full sentences here)
- TAMS calls these “code sets”
- There is “no spaces” restriction – you can use full sentences for code set names
Memos/comments can be included with a coded passage – you just do it by hand after the end code, separated by a space but still inside the brackets. It looks like this: {food>parsley}I hate parsley.{/food>parsley This guy’s crazy!!!}